This section was created not so casually is an occasion and food to reflection. I won’t begin to write the long introduction, and at once I will pass to business.
Today the rigid competition is present at all fields of activity. The competition essence in the occult sphere consists of three components:
- ability to render the declared services in the full volume or at least the partial.
- the most acceptable price.
- advertizing.
All know of that today practically there are no the experts, capable to render the declared services. Otherwise, general mistrust to magic and an occultism wouldn’t be. It doesn’t make sense to stop here.
The second follows from the first — the price. Many unfair experts believe that to receive a small sum of money much more simply and obviously underestimate the prices. None of them aren’t going to do anything, otherwise, the price would be 8-10 times higher. The person prefers to address to such «experts», probably, believing that loss of a small sum of money won’t affect his budget, and the expert nevertheless will be conscientious and will execute the order. Such thinking, for example, can be absolutely not clear to me, however, for the person who hasn’t been tempted with orders of occult services, it is quite explainable. Having failed in a choice of the expert before the customer two ways open: refusal and search continuation.
In the first case, it ceases to believe in existence of otherworldly forces, believing that all similar activity is profanation and continues to live, quite often being surprised, good luck of acquaintances to it the people, suddenly fallen down them, and to some other strange turns of their destinies which allowed them to find the desirable.
Continue search, as a rule those who can’t pacify in itself(himself) desire / faced sorcery earlier in any forms / possesses unshakable belief / looks for sharp feelings / is able to hear an internal voice. Now the person becomes more circumspect and starts thinking. Having studied enough of sites on magic, he starts realizing the real cost of services and understands that permission of its question costs more than that money that it paid earlier. Further the long choice of the performer which develops follows, is exclusive from parameters conducted to the customer. There is only one question: «The customer for execution of the desire how many gave?» I think, you agree that the cost of execution of desire, surpasses the cost of several boxes of candies as bears in itself much more importance and the importance for the person. Still I very want to open truth about that, how many there are declared services for the performer, and that he for it gives except money, about it according to the link: payment for acts.
That before advertizing — money in advertizing puts everything, differently anybody and never learns about the person, predostavlyushchy these or those services. Everyone bears responsibility only for itself(himself) and isn’t excluded that in a set of advertisements of «weed type» contact of the one who will help you in practice will get.